Guide dog update
We did it - we raised over £300!
Congratulations to all those who took part in our Read to an Animal challenge. They raised a brilliant £330 for the Guide Dogs. This means we shall be able to sponsor a class of guide dog puppies and follow them as they train.
The pupils in each age group across the school who raised the most money were awarded a certificate and then had the opportunity to read to Susan the guide dog. These were as follows:
EYFS – Heidi Ayres, KS1 – Sophie Garrett, lower KS2 Keira Leadbitter, upper KS2 – Tayla Rust.
The pupils in each age group who read the most books, received a £5 book voucher for our book fair this week. They were:-
EYFS – Abigail Bransgrove, KS1 – Jennifer Wood , lower KS2 Mikey Funnell, upper KS2 – Elizabeth Wood.
A special award was made to the pupil who shared a photograph of themselves reading with the most unusual pet. Jake Alexander won a £5.00 book fair voucher for reading to his turkeys!