School Meals
Welcome to Our Funky Food Hall ~ driving food standards up and up.
Click on the attachment at the bottom to take you to the menu
Our in-house kitchen staff provide meals of a very high quality.
We follow the food standards as laid down by the Department for Education.
Mrs Portass and her team will be pleased to work with you if your child has any dietary needs including intolerances, allergies and lifestyle choices such as vegetarian or vegan diets. We are a nut free kitchen so nuts are not used in any of our food prepared and served in school.
Government targets to be met by 2020:
We are delighted to say we have already met the government targets of reducing sugar in our foods by 20%. We have done this by gradually reducing the amount of sugar in our foodstuffs so our pupils would not notice.
We use only low salt and sugar baked beans and spaghetti hoops.
We are also pleased to say we have gradually introduced 50/50 wholemeal and white flour into all our foodstuffs including pasta and rice dishes so now this is all we use.
Currently, all children in the Infants (Reception to Year 2) receive a free meal via the Universal Free Meal Offer. This is funded by the government. However, if you are in receipt of Benefits and believe that your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please apply via the NCC Website and inform the school if you are successful. The school receives additional funding for any pupil that is in receipt of FSM so please aoply even if your child is in the Infants. The additional funding is used to support the education and provision for all pupils. However, it also enables us to subsidise trips and other events for children that qualify. During recent school closures, it enabled us to provide food parcels and vouchers to families that needed this.
Here are some photos of the meals they children may have, they show the main meal, vegatarian option and pudding. KS1 and EYFS have smaller portions than KS2 (KS2 are the photos shown)