Our curriculum has been developed with the following key objectives:
Expose our learners to high quality texts and promote a love of reading (Key Reading Text provides stimulus for each topic)
Clear vocabulary is taught in each topic and built upon each year
Opportunities provided to review and consolidate knowledge across year groups
Develop learners’ cultural capital
Our classes are split in year groups as follows:-
EYFS (Nursery & Reception)
Year 1&2
Year 3&4
Year 5&6
For this reason our curriculum for Years 1 to 6 is separated into Year A and Year B. All children will complete either Year A or Year B when they are in the younger group and they will cover the alternative curriculum the following year. Work is scaffolded to support younger learners in each class or extended for older learners so that our learners are able to make good progress from starting points.
To find out more about the curriculum and provision in EYFS, please follow this link.
In years 1 to 6, our curriculum is based on six topics which are taught across the year. Each topic is based on a high quality text and introduces our learners to a rich vocabulary.
We love reading and want our learners to love reading too! Find out more about why reading is such an important life skill here:
10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Everyday (External Link)
More information about our topics can be found by selecting the relevant year in the tabs on the left hand side of this page. Academic years which in September end with an odd number follow Year A and those that end with an even number follow Year B (e.g. 24/25 is currently Year B and 25/26 will be Year A)