Time credits
Don't forget to sign up for the time credit scheme.
Time Credits are an exciting way to get involved in your local community. Time Credits are a form of community currency that can be used to improve local areas by encouraging more people to take an active role in their community. Time Credits is our way of saying thank you for any time that you choose to give. They never expire and they don’t cost any money.
You might not have realised, but Time Credits are being earned and spent all over the country! So far, over 13,000 people have given their time across the UK including 1,100 people who live in West Norfolk. You can join in too, in a way that suits you and your family.
For every one hour of your time which you give to the school, we will say ‘thank you’ by giving you one Time Credit that you can spend doing something you like in the community. It’s simple, you give an hour, you get an hour!
In West Norfolk there is over 100 different ways that you can spend your Time Credits. From swimming, bowling and tickets to the theatre to manicures, films and even days out! For more information ask a member of staff for a copy of the latest spend brochure or click here.
If you haven’t got any credits yet but would like to find out how you can earn some by supporting our school please speak to Kate Boulding or Caroline Baxter from the LIFE/Pupil Premium team.