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Terrington St Clement Community School

A traditional school with traditional values where

we aspire, succeed and thrive

Year 3 and 4

Ways that you can support your child at home:

  1. Read and share some of your favourite books.  Which books would you recommend to a friend?  Why? 

    This weblink has FREE resources to help parents/carers and learners to enjoy sharing books together and includes carefully chosen books, resources, and activities.

  2. Practise your maths skills at doodle maths

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    If you can, download the Doodle Maths & Doodle Tables App as the app works better than the web app linked above.
  3. Become a Crystal Explorer and practise your grammar, punctuation and spelling skills.

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  4. Keep practising those tables using Timestables Rockstars or Hit the Button.