School Incentives
We have lots of resources and rewards in place to incentivise our learners and we are always look for learners who are doing the right thing.
In Years 1 to 6, learners work hard to be awarded individual credits (or Terries). There are prizes/rewards for reaching the following milestones: 50, 100, 150, 200. Once learners have surpassed the 200 mark, they can keep on working towards a reward for the highest number of terries across the phase & school. In Years 1&2, rewards are small tokens which they can select from the Terry Trugs. From Year 3 up, learners negotiate rewards at the beginning of term with their teachers. They could, for example, earn the teacher's chair for the day, permission to attend in non-uniform for the day, a seat next to their friend or a hot chocolate treat at snack time.
In EYFS, instead of terries, learners earn stickers for making good choices and impressing the adults.
Class Incentives
Each class works towards a class incentive each half term. Your child might tell you about marble in the jar, stars or rockets being earned. Classes earn this for working together to impress their teacher by for example showing they are ready to listen, lining up sensibly, being "spotted" by another staff member for politeness or sensible behaviour. Rewards range from a film or art/craft afternoon to a pyjama day.
Reading Badges
We are a reading school! We know how important reading is to our learners academic development and life chances. Reading really does permeate every subject and also supports good mental health and wellbeing.
Learners from Nursery to Y6 are encouraged to read, 20 age appropriate books (this can be with an adult, particularly for younger learners or those with SEND) to earn their reading badge. Reading Scheme books do not count but any of the other books in our book bundles, including in KS2, the class reader do. There is a different colour to earn each year.
Reading Raffle
A weekly reading raffle takes place each week between learners who have read regularly at home that week.
Times Table Badges
Learners earn Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum badges for mastering each phase of their times tables.
Badges are awarded by their class teacher. Learners need to trade their previous badge for the higher level badge they have been awarded and are encouraged to wear their badges on their uniform.
The awards are as follows:
- Bronze - x2, x10
- Silver - x3, x4, x5
- Gold - x6, x7, x8
- Platinum - x9, x10, x12
TT Rock Stars is used to support our learners learn these facts which are so vital to mathematical success. More information about TT Rockstars is below.
Number Bond Badges
For our younger learners in Years 1 and 2 who may not be ready to move onto learning times tables just yet, we set them a Number Bond Challenge to learn their number bonds to 10 and then 20. Learners can earn a badge for this too.
Learners in Year 6 can apply for our ambassador positions. This year we have Reading Ambassadors, Maths Ambassadors and Health and Sports Ambassadors. Our ambassadors support younger learners in these subjects, promote their subject and for Health & Sports Ambassadors, run playtime games.
School Responsibilities
We are keen to develop our learners' leadership skills and understanding of responsibility. There are lots of school "jobs" which learners can be chosen to fulfil. These include tasks such as taking registers to the office, helping to tidy the Food Hall after lunch, supporting younger learners at lunchtime to cut up their dinner/give out milk or play during wet play, using litter pickers to keep our school grounds clean or running school lunchtime clubs.